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Hands down... The funnest excursion for your centre to be doing this summer!  

Beach Kidz offer our local early childcare centres the opportunity to bring groups of up to 10 children to an exclusive class set up for them to enjoy time on the beach for a five week programme over terms one and four.

Filled with fun land-based and water-based activities that promote fundamental skills, water safety and confidence, social skills and more, it’s the highlight of our kids’ weeks and a key step to safer beach trips.

In our classes this looks like:

  • Activities that use a mixture of physical and mental skills
  • The ability to learn at each child’s individual pace
  • Supporting caregiver beach safety skills while helping the children feel safe and comfortable
  • Creativity, exploration and fun in a safe and supportive environment
  • Repetition of activities encouraging progression of new skills and abilities
  • Making beach and water safety and enjoyable experience rather than scary or overwhelming one.

Class duration: Up to 45 minutes 

Beach venue: To be arranged with each centre

We encourage centres are to arrange appropriate travel to and from our beach venues and to meet our requirements for a 1:2 ratio with caregivers during class times.  Beach Kidz will provide two instructors to assist with this ratio requirement. 

Beach Kidz is a great way to enhance practical learning and knowledge by supporting and promoting water safety and water confidence within your centre.  

If you think your center is full of some pretty kool little Beach Kidz in the making, then get in touch to chat some more about how we can accommadate your needs.

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