What does a Beach Kidz class look like?

It looks like a lot of FUN!! But seriously, when you rock up to the beach be ready for some fun and enjoyment as this is what we are all about…The kidz love it, their ‘Big people’ love it… and so do we!

On a normal day, our classes run for up to 45 minutes, starting with a roll call, safety briefing and rash vest distribution.  Then a warmup activity may take place followed by beach activities, then water activities.  And of course, we never finish a session off without our Hip, hip hoorays!

Our activities are based around and include movements and exercises to enhance and develop knowledge and skills for children between the ages of two to five years of age.

Session plans are created prior to the start of a summer season, and our focus is on consistency and transparency so that all children are getting the opportunity to learn new skills and progress on skills they already have through activities. Repetition of activities throughout the programme ensures skill progressions are achievable. 

Caregiver participation, support and encouragement is a key learning within our programme.   Being present within the activity to encourage and support the child can aid the learning process.  It also allows us to educate both the child and caregiver the importance of ‘active supervision’, ‘being in arms reach’ and ‘being actively present’ within an aquatic environment.  So be prepared to get a little wet!

How do I book?

You will need to complete the online registration procedure for your child/children via our website, you can then proceed to book into any of the classes we have available at the time of your booking.  Beach Kidz operates an online payment system that is designed to make the booking process straight forward and efficient.  Beach Kidz uses Stripe to operate a secure online payment system that meets current legislation.

My little one is not quite 2 years old; can I still register them?

We require all children to be 2 years old before the term start date that you are looking to book. If they are turning two on the first week of our programme, we will accept your booking. However, it is recommended you wait until the following term to book your child.  

Our programme is structured to allow our classes to run efficiently, and we ensure we cater for our younger children’s abilities and needs by play based learnings.  Some of our younger children can take a bit longer to comprehend instruction and adjust to our beach environment, so to give them the best possible chance of having the time of their life from week to week at Beach Kidz, we suggest not rushing things and look to book them in the following term if they are still new to the beach and water environment.  If they are little charges and already water confident, then get booking! :)

I am not water confident myself, especially around the ocean... I am nervous about bringing my child to the programme because of this.

Let us reassure you that this is very normal, and we welcome you with loads of support. :)

Many of our programme activities are based around promoting water confidence and water safety for both the children and their caregivers.  From experience we have found many caregivers are non-confident themselves in and around water.  They are non-swimmers or lack experience or exposure to the ocean and other water environments. 

We engage the caregiver by building confidence and knowledge by encouraging safe practices and behaviours that allow them to understand their boundaries and limits as well as those boundaries and limits of their child. 

Part of our mission is to enrich with knowledge and support young families to continue to enjoy aquatic environments safely together.  This programme is about supporting you as much as your child.

Do I need to join in with my child during their class?


Children learn through play; however, they also gain confidence to participate or try something new with the trust of a parent, caregiver or instructor by their side.  This allows them to feel safe, relaxed and happy when trying, learning or developing a new skill or activity.  A happy child will play, which leads to a child learning! 

Beach Kidz is a programme that encourages ‘active families’, allowing parents/caregivers to be involved in their child’s learning, and it’s part of why we are so popular, families love doing our programme together!  There are activities (mostly land based) in which a caregiver does not need to play an active role, however with pre-schoolers a simple instruction can go astray so having them present within the activity helps to encourage and support the child. 

This also allows our instructors to educate both the children and caregivers the importance of ‘Active Supervision’ and by being ‘In Arms Reach’ when in and around water.  Our programme is a safe, fun, and active environment for everyone, allowing families a time to learn, bond and share experiences together.

How deep do the kids go in the ocean?

Water based activities can be conducted in water depth of up to the child’s waist when there is no swell, current or uneven ground (holes) present at the time of the class.  In most cases due to the nature of our coastal environment, our classes are conducted within water levels to the child’s mid-thigh depth.  This allows us to encourage safe practices through activities within this water depth as the children can independently or if required be assisted during this time. Consideration is given to each child’s height and ability by adapting the activity water depth to suit everyone’s needs.

It is a requirement that all parent/caregivers be actively participating in assisting the children during our wateractivities, weather as a group or as individuals.  At no time is a child allowed in the water alone during an activity. A caregiver or instructor must be actively supervising or within arm’s reach of them at all times.

Water based activities are only carried out should the conditions be suitable at the time of the class.  Factors such as environment, weather conditions and public users are considered prior to entering the water for water activities. 

My child is very nervous around water, is this programme going to be suitable for them?


Our programmes and activities are based around key learnings for preschool aged children. Over time through repetitive play, we see many encouraging signs of progression within a child as they learn new skills and abilities.   Participation is encouraged and we allow children to learn at their own pace and in their own time. We work with the caregiver to provide support and encouragement as they make their way into the water environment. It might not happen overnight, but it will happen… And you will be surprised, we are pretty good at igniting their love for the ocean!

Do you run trial classes?

With our programme being in demand and often waitlists for most of our classes, we no longer offer trial classes.  If you are unsure about our programme being suitable for your child, we invite you to pop down to the beach and watch a few of our classes.  That way you can see what we get up to, and if you want to book the following term, or if possible that same term then go for it.

Can I bring my other children to the beach while my booked child is attending their class?

Because our programme is a 1:1 or to our discretion 1:2 ratio with child and parent/caregiver throughout the duration of each class it is recommended you have adult supervision at all times for any other children you have present with you on the beach during your child’s booked class. 

Please be aware our classes are strictly attended by registering and booking online. We are not able to accommodate siblings or friends. To avoid any disappointment for the child we ask anyone interested in attending Beach Kidz, to register and pay online prior to taking place within a class. This policy is operated for insurance purposes and safety reasons.

What is the instructor to student ratios?

Beach Kidz is a 1:1 or to our discretion 1:2 ratio with child and parent/caregiver throughout the duration of each class.  Class sizes are kept at a minimum of approx. 10/12 children and class duration times are up to 45 mins per class. 

What if my child is sick and cannot make a class?

We offer one make-up class per child per term for missing a class due to illness.  If a child has a major illness, please refer to our Refund Policy on this website. 

My child has additional needs, how do you cater for this?

Because of our coastal environment, we try our hardest to accommodate for all children. We have a variety of instructors from diverse backgrounds and abilities, with some that have experience working with children with additional needs.  We work with the caregiver and child to support their needs and make their time at Beach Kidz inclusive and fun.  Our ratio is 1:1 for children with additional needs.  We would love for you to get in touch so we can see how we can make this happen.

Can I still join even if the classes have already started for this term?

Any available space within our classes are left open for bookings within the first few weeks of the programme.

Full term payment of the programme is still required.  However, you will be offered the option to either have a credit applied to your account for the following term or do make-up classes during your booked term to catch up the missed classes on booking.

How do you communicate with me about my child's classes?

We are continually active in keeping you up to date with any changes or information you may need prior to, and during your weekly class. This comes in the form of email and text messages.  You're up to date contact details are required when registering your child on booking for this purpose.

Can I look at the Policies and Procedures for Beach Kidz?

To run effectively and successfully, Beach Kidz adheres to a Health & Safety Management System designed for Beach Kidz Preschool Beach Programme Ltd.  All documentation within this system is updated annually or when required.  When requested our Health & Safety Management System is made available on the beach to view for registered families along with other documentation such as our Safeguarding Child Protection Policy and our 'On Beach Emergency Cards'. 

Can a friend or family member be the ‘Active Caregiver’ while visiting us?

They sure can! It is very special to have a family member or friend come along and join in the programme with their little Beach Kid from time to time. However, we ask that they introduce themselves to the Head Instructor on the day of your child’s class.  And should they have any medical conditions or additional requirements to please inform the Head Instructor prior to the start of the class.  We require all ‘Active Caregivers’ to be adults.

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